Start by clicking on a country on the map or search for it by clicking on "+" in the top left
Top right, choose one year to view data of.
Select a unit of comparison (e.g. world) by clicking on the globe. Note: The units are population-weighted.

SSI by TH Köln

The SSI shows at a glance the level of sustainability of countries along three dimensions:

Human wellbeing (HUW)
Environmental wellbeing (ENW)
Economic wellbeing (ECW)

The SSI is structured along the lines of the Triple Bottom Line of social (HUW), environmental (ENW) and economic (ECW) sustainability. HUW consists of three categories based on nine indicators. ENW consists of two categories based on seven indicators. Finally, ECW consists of two categories based on five indicators. All scores are given on a sustainability scale of 1(weakest) to 10 (strongest). There is no overall sustainability score combining the three dimensions.